Mich., Pa. awarded NSTIC grants
States piloting online ID vetting and credentials
23 September, 2013
category: Digital ID, Government
The National Institute of Standards and Technology awarded more than $2 million in grants to the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan to test online identity technologies to help improve access to government services and the delivery of federal assistance programs, and to reduce fraud. The pilot projects support the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace.
With a $1.3 million NSTIC grant, the Michigan Department of Human Services will pilot the use of online identity verification and authentication solutions with Bridges, Michigan’s eligibility system that supports online enrollment and registration for citizens seeking public assistance. The program will aim to make it easier for citizens to access benefits and services by streamlining the applications process, while also reducing fraud and improper payments.
Today in Michigan, all applicants for public assistance and other services must appear in person to have their identity verified—an expensive process for the state and a burdensome one for citizens—which often results in delays to benefits. The pilot project will also evaluate how residents can more securely access their private information using multi-factor authentication solutions in lieu of passwords.
With a $1.1 million NSTIC grant, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pilot will offer residents the opportunity to obtain a credential to conduct online transactions with a number of participating agencies including the departments of Public Welfare and Health.
Citizens will be able to register just once to access a variety of services, eliminating the need to create multiple accounts and to validate their identity multiple times. If successful, these higher security accounts will enable new types of online transactions, increasing convenience while also helping the state reduce fraud.
NIST is also awarding $300,000 to the Research Triangle Institute to evaluate the benefits and impacts of identity solutions deployed in the Michigan and Pennsylvania pilots. By advancing the knowledge gained from the pilot projects and disseminating it broadly to policymakers, state agencies, and the public, the evaluation will assist in moving forward the objectives of both NSTIC and the Partnership Fund.
These new state pilots complement five NSTIC grants recently awarded to private-sector organizations. The Partnership Fund provides additional funding for the state pilots for Program Integrity Innovation, which was established by Congress in 2010 to help federal agencies and state governments work together to find smarter ways to meet the demands of citizens and act as responsible stewards of taxpayer resources.